Can your Insurance Agent help you in a claim?

If you have a claim you might discover a lot about your insurance agent in your time of need. The perception of a good neighbor often aligns with your Insurance Agent, but the true litmus test arises when you’re faced with a troublesome insurance claim. Perhaps taking a deep look at if your insurance agent can help you in a claim will help you discover either a friend of foe. Most insurance companies incentivize their agents with bonuses tied to the number of claims losses they handle. The fewer the losses, the fatter the bonus, which can sometimes blur an agent’s impartiality when assisting clients with claims. Another potential concern is the captive agent, one who exclusively represents a single company. A captive agent may prioritize the company’s interests over the customer’s, fearing repercussions on their employment if they do otherwise.

However, despite these potential conflicts, your agent can still prove to be a valuable ally when dealing with a problematic claim. Your agent should possess a deep understanding of how your policy’s coverages operate since they were the ones who sold it to you. In many instances, they can clarify any confusion regarding your coverage. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge the limitations here—agents may be familiar with claims but they do not have the same training or experience as a claims adjuster.

In addition to their knowledge of your coverages, your agent can assist you in navigating the intricacies of the claims department and obtaining assistance if your assigned claims adjuster seems unresponsive. Some agents working with successful agencies can leverage their position to garner additional support from the insurance company. In certain cases, insurance companies highly value their relationship with such agents and may invest more effort in resolving a problematic claim.

Distinguished agents place a premium on their reputation and aim for a seamless claims experience for their clients. A dissatisfied customer with a problematic claim can swiftly escalate their grievances, casting a shadow on the entire insurance company, including its agents, by venting their concerns to friends, peers, or even the local insurance department in the form of a complaint.

Should your claims experience fall short of your expectations, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your agent. It’s in such moments that you’ll discover whether they truly stand by your side as a friend or reveal themselves as a foe. Either way educating yourself and getting professional assistance may be necessary, check out the free resources at the Claims Avenger.